Type | Duration | Price per IP (£) |
UK DC | 1 day (Daily) | 0.50 |
UK DC | 7 days (Weekly) | 0.75 |
UK DC | 28 days (Monthly) | 1.00 |
UK BT ISP | 1 day (Daily) | 0.50 |
UK BT ISP | 7 days (Weekly) | 0.75 |
UK BT ISP | 28 days (Monthly) | 1.25 |
DE DTAG ISP | 1 day (Daily) | 0.50 |
DE DTAG ISP | 7 days (Weekly) | 0.75 |
DE DTAG ISP | 28 days (Monthly) | 1.25 |
You can also purchase proxies in custom duration periods. Daily price is 0.50£ and it goes up 0.05 per additional day£, for a maximum of 1.25£. The prices above are just calculations of how much it will cost for the different durations specified using this rule.