
Site Info

Comprised of JD Sports, Size?, Hipstore and Footpatrol. These sites drop both raffles and FCFS. FCFS drops are one of the most heavily botted site groups of all time, with manual being impossible. These are dominated by specific bots which come and go. Their anti-bot is known to be very tough. Some bots will vary in performance, either initial drop or restocks.

Performance is per bot, meaning some will run better on cheaper and less quality whereas others will run better on more quality focused providers like Koch. It is always recommended to confer with bot owners as to what provider is recommended. Data usage is known to be medium-high.



Recommended Proxies

Residential Proxies

  1. Brightdata Mesh Pool
  2. Koch Mesh Pool
  3. Oxylabs Mesh Pool - !oxylabs mesh <qty>
  4. Private Residentials UK Pools - !privateresi UK1/2 <qty>
  5. Smartproxy Mesh Pools - !smartproxy mesh <qty>
  6. Geosurf Mesh Pool
  7. Netnut Mesh Pool - !netnut mesh <qty>

ISP and DC

Please consult the bot owner for recommendations for ISP/DC usage.